
Saturday, October 29, 2011

An Update

Sorry I have been MIA for awhile.
(I've had prescheduled posts filling in for me)
So many of you have asked how I am.
Thank you so much for your care and concern...
It is really appreciated. 

 I thought I'd post a short update.

I've been dealing with extreme anxiety and depression.
They seemed to be triggered by an outside source.
My Dr has removed me from that source and increased my meds.
I'm trying very hard to get back to where I was.
It is a battle, but one I have battled before, so I know I will be OK.
It seems all encompassing,
it drains my energy and my mind.

I will be back to my regular posting hopefully soon.
til then,
my sweet dear caring friends here in blogland,
I thank you for your well wishes and thoughtfulness.
They are so appreciated and make my day.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully loving weekend!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Redouté Flowers and Fruits

Redouté Flowers and Fruits and more
shared from
Dover Publications

And more.....


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vintage Cottage Designs

Vintage Cottage Designs courtesy Dover Publications
Thought these were so cool I wanted to share.
Remember you can click on the images to enlarge them.