
Friday, December 17, 2010

Vintage Ornaments

I was lucky enough to collect some of my Mother's old ornaments.
They bring back so many memories of us decorating the tree. She's been gone since 2001 but these make me feel that she's still close. I miss her so...
They may have some...or a lot, of color missing but I don't care, I love them!

I like to pull them together in containers and display them.
You saw some here and I also put some in my wooden tray
on the kitchen table.

Some are so tiny....miniature balls of delight.

A few were given to me and few I picked up at sales,
but the majority come from Mom.

Another Holiday vignette in the kitchen.
My fav sign by DaizyDonna.
The prim Angel I picked up last year at a fav consignment shop.
The same shop I found this tablecloth in this year for $3.00!
Love this style and fabric, they are so heavy,they may have a chance of lasting in my crazy house!
You can see the green and purple one in the back that I use to save the cushions on the bench from spills and such.

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

♫ Oh Christmas Tree ♫

I'm joining Funky Junk for Saturday Nite Special

Linda's Open House Part 2 over at  Coastal Charm,
were we are all showing off Holiday Decorations!

I found a place for the some of the Jingle Flakes I purchased last week.

When I first got this deer at a garage sale I thought I would paint it white...never got around to it. Now can't decide if I should or not.
What do you think?

Mom's Shiny Brites

This little lady has obliged to hold Candy Canes

My fav ornament.
I remember my Grandmother crocheting this and then trying to get it stiff enough top hold it's shape.
Can you see the what she made the clapper out of?

Our new pre-lit tree.
What a breeze to set up!!
Just the right size for out crowded cozy living room.
Went for a simple look this year,
didn't add all the ornaments we usually do.
Wish I would have now that the Christmas Spirit has finally found me!


another bell my Grandmother made

A dove from my Mother's Memorial

Melissa made this paper stocking when she was in Elementary school

Love this Snowflake.
You can see on the lower right the ornament we received from our Mail Lady, Kelly, this year. Each year she finds a mailbox for give us!
What a sweetie she is!

TJ made the dough tree in school as a present one year.

Brandon made this sweet Bear

Had extra photos one year and made ornaments with them.
Used some napkin rings I had,
then put them on top of gifts.
But kept one for us.

Here's one Cody made...pretty purple ☺

That's it for today.
Short on time and long on to do's!

Wishing all a Magical Memory Making Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Awesome Freebie from Attempting Aloha

Isn't this clock just GREAT. Want to make one for $5.00? Yes, you can.

Head on over to Attempting Aloha
to find out how you can do this.
Plus check out the rest of her blog for great ideas.

When is a Barn NOT a Barn?

Join me at these fun partys!

Junkin Finds at A La Carte

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm

Melissa and I were able to sneak out Wednesday and go to an Estate Sale.
We found the place..out in the country, and 
parked out side the gates.

We could see those portable/fold up carport thingies
(we've been having rain) lining the way to a big red barn.
Their grass was full, I want to say 'tight knit' no mud in sight.
Once we reached the 'walkway' it was a nice dry trail to the barn.

I thought once inside it would be dirt floor with whatever was left from the sale, as this was the 4th and last day.
As we got closer we noticed there were french doors for the entrance.
I thought to myself that they must have just used what they had when they built it.

BOY oh boy was I wrong!
Stepping inside we saw that the floor was carpeted and it was nice and warm.
Not what we had expected at all.
One look around and we knew it wasn't a barn at all.
It was where they did their entertaining!
And boy they must have had some big shindigs!

The first room we entered must have been the sitting room. Several vintage sofas lined the walls along with pianos.A Baby Grand from the 1800's and this Player Piano with over 700 rolls!

The price on this baby was $3900. 

The room behind that was the dining room.
The walls there were lined with humongous vintage china cabinets.
There must have been like 10 or so. 

This set of dishes was $300.
Large with lots of serving/coordinating pieces but too rich for my blood.

 There were, of course, Grandfather Clocks.

Tables with Holiday items

and jewelry...real jewelry, not the fake stuff

a few little evening bags

AND did I mention LOTS and LOTS of Chandeliers!!
Gorgeous Chandeliers

you can see the part front door in the left of this picture
and look at the shelf on the right that runs all the way around this room.
It was filled with everything imaginable.

One long table was covered in vintage Chandy Chrystals.
Everything size and shape imaginable!
4" teardrop even!! 
Look at this one, so pretty.

Not everything was half off, so we wandered and collected a few treasures.

A tub of silk yarn (who new they made such a thing?!)
and a free pile of scrap and a few good size pieces of fabric.

These were the crystals I ended up getting. Thought I had grabbed 2 bags but guess I must have set one down somewhere. :(

Pretty huh?
Wish I had more money to blow
I could have left with so many more crystals.
But this will do.

8 glittery Snowflake bells

all new still with tags from Pier 1

and old frame and candle wreath, still with tag 

gotta grab Styrofoam when I see it ;)
a few pearl berry picks

a couple more Snowflakes

and some freshly cracked walnuts ready for baking next week ♥

Etsy Treasury

Daizydonna chose my

Snow and Ice Basket 

for her The Beautys Have It Etsy Treasury!

Thanks so much Donna!!

BTW, everything in my Etsy Shop is on sale!