
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Paul Bunyan's Farm

Thought I give you a little peek at "The Estate Sale".

Yes, Of course I went!!

I was excited but sad too.
It reminded me of when we had my parents.
So many people looking through your stuff...
inside the double barn, tool shop, house and yard.
We heard that the husband had passed away and
 the wife was in the hospital with a feeding tube.
Sad at how they built this farm up and
now it was being all sold off.

When I saw people leaving with items that I would have been interested in,
 I pushed aside my feelings and let the excitement take over.

Yee haw!!

Tools, tools and more tools.
It was like a museum.

Some were huge!
Must have been Paul Bunyan's!

This could have been his Axe

wheels for Babe's cart...

I could not even lift the one in the middle...
it was longer than my arm!

compare the size of these with the guy's shoe
in the upper left corner....

excuse my pictures...they are from my phone ;)

l o n g . . .

how cool is this pitch fork?!

Now for what I bought......

that will be in my next post ;)

Well, I need to take photo's of it!

Ok Ok just a sneak peak.....


Friday, June 18, 2010

Kid in a Candy Store!!!


LOOK what just popped up in my email!!

Old Farm Estate Sale!!

Tomorrow just 15 mins from my home!!

Look at those pictures!

You know I gotta go!!
Can you hear my heart pounding??

Is it Saturday yet?

How 'bout now?

hmmm... guess I have to wait a little more.


ah Shucks!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gusty Winds and Veggies

It's Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time.

I was so upset, frustrated and downright depressed
last week that I missed Fertilizer Friday.

We had such strong gusty winds for several days.
my Cecil Brunner Arch went from this:

to this:

When the wind finally died down,
 friends and I were able to get it back up
and anchored to a 10' metal stake
that was driven into the ground.

The Rose seemed no worse for wear,
the arch on the other hand had some split boards,
but I think the Rose will hold it together for now.

I took a big sigh of relief until I turned and saw....

half of my Orange Tree was broken :(

I finished cutting the branch off
and then saw a tiny Orange on the branch that was left.
This is one of the trees we rescued when the house was sold next door.

Now the question...
should I leave the Orange on it or
remove it due so it can recover from the damage?



I thought I'd share my oldest Son's veggie garden.
It's his first and looks great!

My Dad always had a huge veggie garden...
Papa would be proud Brandon ;)

Zucchini, String Beans...



Butternut Squash....

Tomatoes and Peas...

even a few Beets! Yummo!

OK OK... I have to share this.

The place they are renting has this old water feature is gorgeous!

Can't you just see it in it's full glory?
with fish swimming inside?

The pump actually worked at one time.
Yes, it needs lots of work but
I bet it was gorgeous in it's day.

Love the Petunia on top ;)


Here's my veggie contributions for the week..

Our first Cherry Tomatoes :):)

But more are on the way!

It's finally turned hot here so all the veggies are happier.

Lots of baby fruit too....


Nectarines (another rescue)

Cherry Plums

Granny Smith Apples

Thompson Seedless Grapes

mmmm, my mouth is watering!!

Now Hop to it and see everyones gardens over at Tootsie's!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Good Time Was Had By All

We were lucky enough to be invited to help celebrate my oldest son's girlfriend's parents 40th Wedding Anniversay yesterday.

It was a surprise and they pulled it off wonderfully...
especially since it took place in the Anniversary couple's own home!

There was a lot of planning and scheming...
and it went off without a hitch!

They were blown away :)

Yes, tears flowed...

The Happy Couple

Entertainment was provided by Uncle Danny and my hubby.

Tony (DH) and Linda

Brandon (DS) and Tanya (GF)

Lots of food...
so much food!

Can you say 124 Shishkabobs?
Not to mention 15 lbs. of Tri Tip!
and ALL the sides..

Then there was the cake..
the beautiful cake!
Delish too!

Cutting the cake

a bite for you..

and one for you

Brandon and Tanya

A job well done!