
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day!

It's May 1st already.
Can you believe how fast his year has flown by?

I want to wish you a Happy May Day!

I always thought dressing up in flowing gowns,
wearing flowers in your hair 
and dancing around a May Pole would be such fun.

Such a Springtime celebration.

When the kids were younger we would gather flowers from our garden,
make some sort of basket,
place the flowers inside the basket 
and sneak to the neighbors' doorsteps.

 The baskets were either hung on the door knob
or left on the porch.

Then sneak away.

I think the sneaking was the most fun for them ☺

I found a great tutorial for a May Day Basket at Skip to My Lou.
She uses on hand recyclable materials.
Easy and soo sweet,
don'tcha think?

Wishing the wonderful month of May
brings you joys beyond compare.
May is a favorite Month for me, 
perhaps because it's my birthday month ☺
or perhaps
because it's also my youngest's birthday month....
did I mention he was born on my birthday?
yep, he was! 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Garden in Bloom...

Be sure to jump over to Tootsie Time to see
what everyone is flaunting for
Fertilizer Friday!

Come along while I take my morning
stroll through the garden...

The Lime, I received for Easter from my
sister and her hubby, seems to be doing good (center of pic)

while the Meyer Lemon they gave me a few years ago
has buds!

some of the Lilacs are done blooming...

time to dehead...

If you leave the spent blooms on the plant,
the lilac will put most of its energy into seed production 
instead of making flower buds for next year.

the Honeysuckle is just about to burst!

blooms on the Tomatos

OOO a baby Tomato!!

and Strawberries!

Roses on parade...

Lady Banks Rose climbs up and old 
wooden patio umbrella frame 

I love the sweet scent of the Mock Orange,
it's covered in blooms

stop and smell the Lilacs ☺

check the wild bird feeder...

Oh Look! Cherry Plums

the other side of the pond

Mornin' guys!

peek a boo

Keets are a chirpin'

 this Honeysuckle on the other side of the house
has some blooms open.
Between the Mock Orange and Honeysuckle is smells
like Heaven!
(ingore the other stuff you see.
This is where I paint
and we store stuff)

the "Fairy Walk"

which leads to the Tortoises

It was finally warm enough over the weekend
to put them out side in their summer enclosure.
Meat Boris and Natasha, our Russian Tortoises.

Of course, Boris only has one thing on his mind....
there he goes bobbing his head up and down.

run Natashia, run!

She got smart!
He doesn't see her up there

when I left, he was running around looking for her! LOL

ah yes, another fine morning...

and all is right with the world

For now anyway...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In a Pinch.....

I'm joining:

 Michelle over at Someday Crafts for Whatever Goes Wednesday

and Jill from Women Who Do It All for Idea Sharin' Wednesday

OK, So I'm repainting the living room this Summer,
yes, I know it's just Spring,
but since I only paint one wall at a time,
usually a couple weeks apart....
you see where I'm going with this don't you?

Anyway, some of the things in the living room are staying
just getting a minor makeover to fit the new color scheme.
Like this frame.
 A couple years ago I found it at a garage sale brought it home,
made and added the polymer clay
appliques and painted it pink.

Since I've chosen Mid Day Mocha by Glidden for the walls,
 I plan to use different shades of white for the accents.

So a repaint was in order for the frame.
Here it is in Antique White.
It looked...ok, but
not quite where I wanted it to go.

I was wishing I had some stain on hand.....
I had some brown paint I could water down to give it a "brown wash" ?
Then the light bulb went on.
I had just made and used dark instant coffee
to age some fabric and paper I needed for a swap I'm in.
Wonder if I can use the leftover?

Well I slopped some on, being sure it got into the crevices

dabbed it off...

and what do you know
I liked it!
It knocked it down just enough.

So if you're ever in a pinch
make up some strong instant coffee
and use it as stain.
Not only will it look great,
you get a coffee scented room freshener too!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

What a Bust!

Please pop over and see what treasure everyone found!

Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words for 2nd Time Around Tuesday

Coloradolady for Vintage Thingie Thursday

Well, last weekend was disappointing, to say the least.
The weather was beautiful,
so I expected to see LOTS of garage sales...
no such luck.
My daughter and I hit a small one and picked up
a pink Depression Glass plate and a container of small ornaments.

I'm sure the plate is a reproduction, but it's still pretty
and for a buck I couldn't leave it there.
I'll figure out some crafty thing to do
with the ornaments (.50) come winter.

We then stopped in at Salvation Army.
Their prices are kinda high, but we were desperate!
I walked out with this pretty pillow sham ($2)
and a Rosemary Tile ($1)

Depressed by the lack of the hunt
we headed over to the Antiques Mall.
With 15 vendors, there's always lots of
eye candy to cheer ya up ☺

I walked out with some great magazines ($1 ea).
 I'm a magazine-aholic.
With prices for mags are through the roof,
love it when I nice find used ones.

I noticed this vintage reindeer candle ($1),
she's lost her wick but I fell for her.

Then I spied an adorable napkin holder ($5).
Not sure if you can see, but it is a cup of coffee
with steam rising.
I'm going to use it to hold by Mr Clean Eraser.
It will keep it right at reach.

I've been looking for shelves to place on top of
a small cabinet I have in the living room.

When I saw this hutch I knew it would work.
I do need to give it a light makeover,
but love the shape.

So, I guess we turned a dud Saturday around!