
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vintage Easter Postcards and Images

I had planned to do this much earlier, but time got away from me!
But there's still time to do a bit of last minute Easter crafting...
always time for crafting isn't there?!

So without further adieu....

Remember to click on the image to make it larger,
then right click to save to your computer.

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Joyous Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vintage Easter Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Vintage Easter Blog Hop!

Joan at Anything Goes Here is our hostess,
be sure to visit her and
 all the particpants sharing their vintage Easter decorations.

My first holds a special place just cuz it's so darn cute!
It's an Easter card sent to my Dad from his Aunt Florence.
There is actual hair sticking through the card!
Too cute!

A couple of Easter Postcards from my Grandmother.
Don't remember the date on this one...
I have it in a memory collage.

The date on this one is 1911, 
it to my Grandmother before she was married.

This little basket was found during the clean out of my Parents farm.
My Sister has memories of it, but I don't.
Must have been used before me.
Now the Pink Hyacinth Chick I remember getting one Easter.
I think it was in...I want to say Bubble Bath, but not really sure.
It's always been my favorite since I received it.

Ok, That's it for me,
now hop on over to visit Joan!

Ending another month.....

Happy Day to everyone!

I'm participating in:

Mosaic Monday at Little Red House

Today's Thrifty Treasures at  Southern Hospitality

Metamorphisis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Roeshel at The DIY Show Off

2nd Time Around Tuesday at  A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm
 Vintage Thingie Thursday at The Coloradolady

Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time

Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


Just a few of my lilacs.
Some are in full bloom,
 while others are about to burst open.
I lost my white one last year,
need to find a replacement.


Did a little Treasure Hunting Saturday.
While heading over to a Moving Sale that was to be grand,
 we stumbled upon an Estate Sale.
Everything had to be gone by Monday.
"Only Girl" (my daughter) and I did find a few Treasures.

These sweet guys caught my eye right from the start!
A herd of bunnies, 7 to be exact!
A small poster of "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh.
This painting is #4, "the Comic's" and  #2, "Only Girl's" favorite
 painting so we always snag them when we find them.
While helping us carry the finds to the car,
the lady said this is your too...she was
carrying the Jade plant you see. 
Freebies are good!   

A large box of craft paints, a couple of enamelware pans,
a gorgeous watering can (which I will add to my collection),
will add the faux flowers to my treasure pile for a future project,
some ribbon, a new votive,
a set of old oval chalkware plaques
(which may find their way into my living room redo),
an old rhinestone brooch
and the pis de resistance....
a set of old white 6 1/2 ft shutters!
(which may also find their way into my living room makeover)

$20 for everything you see, pretty good I think.
....and that grand Moving Sale...'eh, not really worth mentioning.


I finally found sometime over the weekend to recover my kitchen benches.
When I first found this fabric I fell head over heels for it!

They went from this...

to this:

Love the way they turned out!
Now to keep everyone from spilling on them!

Now go on and skedaddle on over to see this weeks particpants.