
Tuesday, April 15, 2008


 Have had a lot on my mind lately. Dad went into a Board and Care Facility a while ago. He likes it there BTW, a welcome relief.
We need to rent out the farm, so we (my sister, her husband and I) have spent the last 18 months clearing out the house.
And pruning the garden
Gave it a new coat of paint

But in his case, that means a lot more! We were raised on a farm. So not only the house and garage, but corrals, shop,
grainery, 3 chicken houses,
Chicken houses are now a thing of the past... 
 parts house,....I could go on and on. So much many years of accumilation.
Made room in the shop for boxes/lugs of electrical supplies from the "gypsy wagon"...our nickname for one of the small buildings on wheels, so we can start tearing it apart.
The gas tanks are gone...
A realator told us we need to tear down some of the outbuildings...oh joy! Went thru the grainery trying to get all the cardboard together to recycle...he must've have kept every box he ever got!!!

My old play house no longer exists
In there we found lugs along with a huge wooden box full of canning jars! OMG!!! Thought I'd already gotten all the blue ones...well just got about 25 more!! I also brought home about 75 old Ball, Kerr, Perfect and Economy canning jars! And a medium box full of zinc lids....hit the gold mine I tell ya!! =) Need to clean them up and get them listed.
We've sold all the farm equipment and leftovers from the Estate sale. We even put a large pile of things out by the road with a FREE sign on them. It's so hard to describe the amount of stuff he's accumulated and collected for the last 60 yrs. Ya work and work and it dosen't look like you've done anything...ahhhh!
Came across some of my Grandmothers old recipe books too...that stopped my sister and I dead in our tracks. LOL Sat for a bit and went thru them.....
We filled 4 humongous dumpsters with metal to recycle.

Wishing all a great day!